Handling A Fresh Routine And How You Might Want To Approach It

Image source - pixabay
Image source - pixabay
Image source – pixabay

September is nearly here, and so many of us will be going through changes this month that in theory, September can be seen as a sort of new year, a fresh start, time of the year, wouldn’t you agree? For many mothers, their children are off back to school after a fun, and longer than expected, time away from school, however you want to view it. Some people are back to work after their summer breaks away, even adults are heading back to college, school or lessons if they are doing some extra or adult learning projects. With this new fresh start that September brings, it can also bring us crashing back down to Earth with a great big thud. Why? You may be wondering. After all, isn’t this the opportunity for change and starting as you mean to go on?

The truth is that with all this change comes a new routine. The school run, getting ready and presentable for your day ahead, whatever it may be, many of us are embarking on a change of pace, lifestyle, and routine, and it can give us the biggest reality check. Which is why I thought it would be the ideal time to share with you some of the tips you can try to help you manage your life with a routine change. Is it about to get very real for you? Then read on to ensure you manage it like a pro.

The cleaning schedule

Cleaning can be one of those things that starts to take a back seat when your life speeds up. When do you have the time to give your home a full deep clean? Often, it is then left to the weekend, when really all you want to be doing is spending time with the family and resting from a stressful week. The solution? A cleaning schedule. It may sound silly, but this can help transform the way you do things. Simply take some time to work out when you are best placed to tackle some of the bigger cleaning jobs and spread them across your week. Add into your change of routine a few things that you may do daily, and voila, you have a weekly cleaning schedule. This, in theory, should help you to maintain your home throughout the week, spending less time cleaning overall.

Investing in the right things to enhance life not hinder it

Of course, if life is about to get busy, then surely we are entitled to some gadgets to help reduce the time spent doing things, or even to enhance our lives in some way. This is when you may want to upgrade your vacuum, add some new kitchen gadgets to help you eat healthier or save on the stress of meal times. Maybe you need to start booking your appointments in for things like hearing tests or checking your eyes. Glasses are often something we need for school, whether it is for your kids or for yourself, and this website could help you order prescription glasses online with ease. Maybe it is time to think about getting organised in general, so the last thing you might want to invest in is a planner to help you stay on track.

Meal planning is the future

One of the biggest stresses of the week, especially for families with children, is the evening meal. Picture the scene, you get home, everyone is hungry, and all appropriate ingredients are even frozen, you have nothing in, or you simply can’t decide what you fancy, sound familiar? You are not alone. This is when meal planning for the week ahead can really help you take the stress out of the evening meal. Knowing exactly what you are cooking and feeling content that you have everything in to prepare it will enhance your evening.

Delegate, delegate, delegate

Now that life is about to speed up a little, it’s important to realise that you are not super woman and you can’t and shouldn’t be responsible for every chore in the home. So instead, why not try delegating some chores to the rest of the family? Let the children take responsibility for making their own beds or tidying their rooms. Ask your partner to help with cooking, sorting out the bins, or even some of the cleaning chores.

Take some time out for yourself

Finally, when life gets busy, it can be easy to forget that you still need to be taking care of your own mindset and well-being. So try and ensure that within this new routine that you take some time out for yourself. Maybe you will indulge in a nice hot bath, reading a book, having an early night, or even treating yourself to an at home pampering session. Do what makes you happy and fill yourself up. You will be a much better person for it.

Let’s hope these tips help you manage your life when your routine starts to change.

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