Enchanti Naturals Coffee Face & Body Scrub
It’s been a week since I attended the Enchanti Naturals workshop and I have been using some of the scrubs and bath salts I made under the guidance of Aron,…
Making Bath Salts At Enchanti Naturals Workshop
For those of you fortunate enough to have a bathtub, it can be so relaxing soaking in bath salts with all the lovely bubbles. At the Enchanti Naturals workshop on…
Making Himalayan Salt Scrub For Foot & Body : Enchanti Naturals Workshop
Making your very own Himalayan Salt Scrub For Foot & Body is easy and fun. At yesterday’s Enchanti Naturals scrub and bath salts workshop, participants learnt that all it takes is…
Making A Coffee Lip Scrub At Enchanti Naturals Workshop
For about two hours this afternoon, I was at my second Enchanti Naturals workshop at Jaya One. This time there were just 5 of us compared to 16 at the…
Making A Basic Bouquet Workshop By Scentales Florist
Members of the media on the experiential tour of Intermark Mall KL last Friday had the opportunity to make a basic bouquet demonstrated by the very able florists from Scentales,…
Enchanti Naturals Aromatherapy Floral Candle Workshop
There’s something I have always wanted to do and never had an opportunity till this afternoon – attend a candle making workshop. I like the whole idea of adding essential…
3D Origami Lecture & Workshop By Professor Mitani Jun
When I was just a wee kid, I had a set of origami which came with a book of instructions. The designs were very simple and uncomplicated as befitting origami…
Craftiviti Workshop : Foaming Bath Butter
The third and last product we made at the Craftiviti media workshop was the Foaming Bath Butter which contains a Pink Scrubbing Salt. I love this product and am using…
Craftiviti Workshop : Handmade Lotion
After making Melt & Pour Soaps, participants at the Creativiti craft workshop for media were guided on how to make Handmade Lotion which was relatively easy because all we had…
Craftiviti Workshop : Melt & Pour Soap
The craft workshop at Craftiviti PJ was so much fun that I can thoroughly understand why some people are so passionate about making their own products. After this workshop, I…