Blast From The Past : Enid Blyton Books


dsc_0901My favourite childhood books were Ladybird books and Enid Blyton books of which I had many. Browsing at Popular a few days ago, I noticed a lot of Enid Blyton books which I had never read when I was a kid but then again, I couldn’t possibly have read all of her books. I was surprised that her books are priced at RM19.90, that’s quite pricey when each book averages only 180 pages. I am sure that during my childhood, her books were priced at less than RM10 but that was decades ago.

I didn’t see the Enid Blyton books I loved so much, i.e. Famous Five, Secret Seven, The Adventures Of The Wishing-Chair and The Faraway Tree. After reading The Adventures Of The Wishing-Chair which has the power to grow wings and fly them to magical lands, I imagined that I had a flying bed that could also fly me to magical realms where I would meet fairies and pixies.

dsc_0904The other favourite series was The Faraway Tree. The titles in the series are The Enchanted Wood, The Magic Faraway Tree and Up The Faraway Tree. I enjoyed them all as it brought me to more magical lands. In the days where there were less distractions than today, Enid Blyton books were a gateway into all that was fascinating to a kid.