Q & A With Anna Chang & Haritha Shan : MAC AIDS Fund


The M·A·C AIDS Fund’s mission is to serve people of all ages, all races and all sexes affected by HIV and AIDS. To partner with the bold, the visionary and the brave who confront the epidemic in countries and communities where people are most neglected, off the radar and at highest risk. Responsive, agile and alert, MAF funds innovative programs that deal directly with the most marginalized, stigmatized and under-heard victims. MAF celebrates humanity, life, creativity and individuality. Making a difference, one VIVA GLAM lipstick at a time. This Q & A session with MAC Malaysia Brand Manager, Anna Chang and Senior Artist, Haritha Shan, was at the December 2014 screening of “It’s Not Over” documentary.

As a brand, what has MAC done throughout the years for the AIDS cause in Malaysia?

Anna : MAC has been selling Viva Glam lipsticks continuously every day since 2000. We highlight the AIDS cause every December in conjunction with World AIDS Day. Up to March 2014, we have contributed almost RM3 million to Malaysian AIDS Foundation. Once a year, we visit shelter homes to get to know the residents, it’s also an exposure to our MUAs. KLASS is a shelter home where we chat with men, women and children. Funds are collected every day through the sale of Viva Glam products and sales are improving every year with the opening of new stores.

Please tell us about “It’s Not Over”.

Anna : The documentary “It’s Not Over” is a milestone – it targets the youth and young people. It spread the news about HIV/AIDS stigma.

What is MAC’s bestselling Viva Glam Collection here?

Anna : Lady Gaga was one of the best, people are attracted to celebrities. Rihanna was a hit because of the matte lip texture.

Your personal favourite Viva Glam lip product?

Anna : I don’t have a specific favourite. I like natural, sheer and bright lipglass and matte lipsticks.

Personally, what do you think can be done to increase the level of awareness about AIDS & discrimination against those who have AIDS?

Anna : Education through the media, we hope to get the support of media. Those who have AIDS should be able to live like normal people. We accept those with breast cancer, it should be the same with those who have AIDS. Education talks in schools can hopefully create awareness in young people and “It’s Not Over” can reach out to the young.

What do you think is the level of awareness regarding AIDS here?

Anna : The level of awareness may have reduced. It’s important to start educating the young.

What’s one of your most memorable experiences in a shelter home you’ve visited?

Anna : At Victory Transgender Home in Jalan Ipoh, we were kissed by a handicapped man. The residents just need to feel wanted and someone to care/keep them company. They want someone to listen to them and not be afraid of them. They don’t want discrimination or pity.

Where have the funds from MAC AIDS Fund been channeled to?

Anna : Kuantan, Terengganu and Sabah and a transgender home in KL. MAC looks for those who really need funds. We embrace the philosophy “all ages, all races, all sexes”.

Are MAC customers in general aware of the relationship between the VG products and the MAC AIDS Fund?

Anna : Some are aware that it’s related to a charitable programme. MAC MUAs will explain to them what it’s all about and VG products is a starting point for a conversation. Almost 30% of MAC customers know that VG products are about a CSR programme.


What’s your favourite Viva Glam lipstick/lipglass and why?

Haritha : Viva Glam 5 as I love playing with eye makeup and this shade is subtle on lips. It complements olive complexions as it has pink and silver undertones. It gives shimmer yet remains natural looking. I have gone through 4 tubes. It has a lustre texture and is non-drying.

What’s your opinion on the current VG 2 Rihanna lipstick/lipglass? How to make it more wearable for those with lighter skin tones who may be a bit put off by the dark shade?

Haritha :  Use Dynamo Pink lip pencil and then add a bit of the lipstick, the silver pigment pops. Play with different lip pencils. You can also use red lipstick as a base and then the brown Viva Glam, this adds dimension to lips, inspired by Lorde.

How would you promote the Viva Glam products to customers?

Haritha : The Viva Glam products are ideal for the holiday season. Mix the lipsticks to complement with lip pencils in pink, red and brown shades. I recommend Cork lip pencil to go with the current VG products.


City slicker, prolific blogger and food lover who loves to review products and food & everything else in between.

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One thought on “Q & A With Anna Chang & Haritha Shan : MAC AIDS Fund

  1. Interesting interview! Yes, many people discriminate people with Aids because of the lack of education. Some even think that a simple thing as a handshake with people with Aids can make them get Aids too.

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