King’s Thai Mango Signature Potong


dsc_2321We all have our favourite tropical fruits and mangoes are definitely a firm favourite for many, we use it in cooking and drinks. Now King’s offers a new flavour, Thai Mango Signature Potong. We love eating mangoes on their own for the sweet, succulent and juicy flesh but having mango ice cream is a wonderful treat for all ages.

King’s mangoes in this new flavour Potong is sourced from Thailand, the Oak-Rong Mango, which is the most sought-after mango due to its sweetness and juiciness can now be eaten in the form of an ‘Aiskrim Potong’. The Signature Thai Mango flavour replicates the natural sweetness and slight acidity of a real Oak-Rong Mango for that perfect balance.


dsc_2323Between the Black Sesame and the Thai Mango, I prefer the latter as it’s less powdery and packed more with the flavour of the fruit. I can still taste the mango long after the last bite.

King’s Thai Mango Signature Potong is RM2 per stick or RM11.40 in a multipack.