Chaiwalla & Co The Curve



It’s been some time since I first read about Chaiwalla & Co and I’ve always wanted to try one of their drinks. They started in JB in 2012 and now there’s an outlet at The Curve or rather in between The Curve and Tesco. On a sunny Sunday morning, I needed a drink and ended up there but the whole area is so hot as there’s hardly any shade.

Chaiwalla & Co The Curve has plenty of seating but it can be boiling hot!

I had my reservations about sitting there sipping a hot beverage but it was then or I don’t know when since I am rarely at The Curve. I ordered the hot Vietnamese coffee which comes in a stainless steel container. Patience is required with any Vietnamese coffee and there I was feeling not very cool, parched like a prairie dog and waiting for the coffee to stop dripping.


Drip, drip, drip and I don’t mean just the coffee. I could feel the beads of perspiration on my forehead as it seemed like an interminable time before the coffee stopped dripping and I could safely remove the filter without coffee dripping on to the tray.

Oh yes, very fragrant and thick, rich coffee. Just the way I like my coffees, without milk. Not bad for RM7 (before GST).