How To Adjust To Life With A Long-Term Injury

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Your health is easy to take for granted, at least until it’s threatened. People get injured every day and, most of the time, they are able to recover from their wounds. Broken bones and sprains are painful and unpleasant, but you’re usually back to normal in a matter of months. 

However, some injuries can’t be fully recovered from. Even if the initial wound has been treated, you may be left with residual issues. Some injuries leave you with pain or reduced functionality. Others are more disabling, and you may not be able to walk or be as independent as you used to. 

An injury is bad enough, but this adjustment is a difficult one to make. If you or a loved one has been injured and you’re having to deal with the effects, then here are some ways to help you to manage your condition and enjoy your life in the way you’re meant to. 

Physical Recovery

If you’ve been injured, then physical recovery is likely the first thing on your mind. You want to get better as quickly as possible, so the pain will stop and so that you can get back to your normal standard of living. Unfortunately, complete physical recovery isn’t always possible. This is when you’re left with a long-term injury or disability. 

After initial treatment, you may have to undergo additional therapy for some time to mitigate your injury and hopefully recover as much functionality as possible. Physiotherapy is a common treatment that helps you to manage your injury and either help you get better or prevent any further deterioration. It can sometimes be uncomfortable or even painful, which makes physiotherapy difficult to keep up with. However, it’s always worth the initial discomfort to help your recovery. 

Your physical recovery may also involve medication to help you to deal with pain or other symptoms. Always take the medication with the advice of your doctor, and keep an eye on what you’re taking. Drug interactions can be nasty and overdosing or otherwise abusing your medication is dangerous and can lead to addiction disorders or other health problems. 

Your physical recovery likely won’t be easy and it might not bring you back to the functionality that you’re used to. This is where the adjustment period comes into play. You need to become accustomed to your new limitations and figure out how to work around them. You would be surprised at what you can do when you learn new coping mechanisms, though. 

Disability aids, such as wheelchairs and other things that can help you to get around allow you to achieve a level of independence that might otherwise be difficult. You can also get specially designed tools for around the house, to make it easier to cook, clean, and do everything else you’re used to. Mobility cars are designed to let you drive even with certain disabilities.

Once you’ve gotten used to your limitations, you can tweak the way you do things. Give yourself time and be patient with yourself and your body. There will be setbacks, but you can keep on moving forwards.

Emotional Recovery

A long-term injury has severe physical ramifications, but the mental and emotional consequences can be just as bad. An injury is typically sudden, and going from being fit and healthy to having to cope with a long-term disability is a huge shock to the system. Your identity is tied to your body and it can feel as though you’ve been betrayed by your own body.

If the event that caused your injury was traumatic, then you also have to cope with the trauma of your memories on top of the pain, discomfort, and limitations of the injury itself. It’s perfectly reasonable to struggle at a time like this, and it doesn’t mean that you’re weak in any way.

It’s also perfectly understandable to need help, both physically and emotionally. A support system of friends and family around you can help you to adjust to your new normal and build yourself back up to the quality of life that you’re used to. 

It’s normal to mourn the loss of functionality and aspects of your life that might be more difficult now. However, it’s also best to move on. It may be necessary to seek out a mental health professional so that you can talk about what you’re struggling with. You may also need medication to help you to cope and adjust. 

Financial Recovery

As well as the physical and emotional issues that you may experience when you’ve been injured, a long-term injury can carry a heavy financial weight. Depending on your industry and your injury, you may be unable to continue with your career. 

Even if you are still able to work, the immediate aftermath of the injury could put you out of commission for a while. Working might be more difficult than it once was, and you could have limitations that make it harder to progress in your career. You may have to have a limited workload, or need assistance with certain tasks.

The potential loss of earnings is only a small part of the financial ramifications of a long-term injury. Injuries typically mean medical bills, which can rack up enormous debts. When you have a long-term injury or disability, you’re tied to these bills for the good of your health. True, in some cases the costs can be subsidized, but you are still often left with a nasty bill at the end of the day.

Depending on the cause of your injury, you might be entitled to compensation. Throwing money at the problem won’t get rid of your physical issues, but it will make the financial cost easier to deal with. One of the most common causes of long-term injuries and disabilities is car accidents. If a car accident wasn’t your fault, then a car accident lawyer might be able to help you to make a claim, covering your medical expenses as well as other costs. 

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