Just when I was beginning to get a little jaded of the same old beauty brands, Innisfree is finally here! Innisfree is Korea’s most famous and trusted natural brand from the scenic, beautiful and incomparable island of Jeju. Innisfree has opened its doors at Sunway Pyramid and I can’t wait to show you what the store has in upcoming posts. The prices are so affordable that it’s almost unbelievable!
The name “Innisfree” comes from the William Butler Yeats poem “The Lake Isle Of Innisfree” which sounds like a very peaceful and uninhabited island without any access to the Internet and probably no mobile phone signals either. Errrr…….moving along, the brand name literally means “pure island”. They pursue the philosophy of bringing healthy beauty to your body and mind with their pure ingredients from Jeju.
The bond between Innisfree and Jeju dates back to 1979 when Innisfree first began to transform what was then a rocky wasteland on Jeju into the pesticide-free green tea farm we see there today. Having started out by releasing the ‘Green Tea Pure’ line in 2008 using Jeju green tea, Innisfree has by far re-imagined a total of 10 Jeju ingredients as cosmetic products, such as green tea, sea mustard, volcanic-scoria, tangerine peel, green soy beans, canola, camellia, Jejubija (nutmeg), Gotjawal phytoncide and green barley.
Every inch of the new 150 sq. meter Innisfree store was not only created to relax and nurture but also mimic the five sensory experiences found in Jeju House. The actual Jeju house was built as a brand house to reflect the sensorial experiences of the brand through sight, sound, touch, tste and also smell. This is a very welcoming store from the warm hue, earth toned décor, the vertical garden (the plants are real!) which has an internal watering system and is tended by a gardener every fortnight.
Innisfree has four hero products:-
1. Green tea seed serum
2. Volcanic pore clay mask
3. Eco science white c pore double serum
4. Eco science wrinkle spot eraser
Innisfree is at G1.70, Ground Floor (Orange Zone) Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall. Visit their Facebook page for more info.
Innisfree is finally in Malaysia!
I like their products!