Rhymba Hills Launches The A’maze Range Of Tea

Rhymba Hills® founder, Ciinndey Wong & her team
Rhymba Hills® founder, Ciinndey Wong & her team

Rhymba Hills, the Malaysian brand of caffeine-free & 100% organic ingredients teas recently launched their A’maze range of teas. There are 4 varieties of A’maze tea and these are loose leaf herbal infusions with 100% REAL fruits.

The 4 varieties of A’maze tea are:

  1. Peaceful Pandan – Butterfly Pea & Pandan
  2. D’lectable Dragon – Dragon Fruit
  3. O’som Orange – Orange
  4. Perky Pineapple – Pineapple
Peaceful Pandan
D’lectable Dragon
O’som Orange
Perky Pineapple

During the launch, Ciinndey talked about Rhymba Hills’ journey from the beginning to their successes today. Their vision statement is to supply 100% natural Malaysian herbal tea to the world, and embed in the mind of tea drinkers globally that Malaysia has quality tea to offer and to create awareness that tea without sugar and caffeine can be tasty.

Ciinndey has been in the health and wellness industry for more than 11 years. An accountant by qualification, Ciinndey developed health issues due to poor lifestyle. Then, her lifestyle was fast food 3 times a week, supper every night, and soda drinks daily. Exercise was not in her vocabulary.

As a result she was overweight, face full of pimples, constantly tired, faced self esteem issues and very low self confidence. Fed up of her situation, she left the Accounting industry in 2003 to pursue a more meaningful career in health and wellness and also for self development. In the process, she lost 18kg and has ever since maintained the weight loss.

In 2011, she saw a gap in the Malaysian Tea industry. Malaysia has abundance of good quality tea. Why is there no industry leader? The current players in the market have poor packaging, giving a very ‘cottage-industry’ feel.

Thus, she decided to set up Abundance Living Enterprise. Under this company, she created Rhymba Hills®, a range of Malaysian, natural tea, to stamp a mark on the world map. Her vision is to embed Rhymba Hills® in the mind of tea drinkers globally, that Malaysia has wonderful and quality tea to offer. She started to supply to the local organic shops in Klang Valley.

Business started to take off in 2014, and she converted the company to Ladang Sari International Sdn. Bhd. Her big break came when she managed to penetrate into Singapore and Hong Kong (through a distributor). Currently, she is working on Australia and London.

Ciinndey with the range of A’maze teas
Rhymba Hills has won Great Taste Award 2023 in the UK

Rhymba Hills® picked up a highly prized Great Taste 1-Star award after an intensive judging by a panel of more than 500 Judges over 89 days in Dorset and London. Out of 14,195 samples from 109 countries, only 41.6% received award, and Rhymba Hills® won 3 awards.

Recognised as a stamp of excellence and actively sought out by food lovers and retailers alike, Great Taste Awards, organised by the Guild of Fine Food, values taste above all else. All products in the line-up for judging are blind tasted – every product is removed from its packaging so it cannot be identified, before entering a robust, layered judging process. Three variants emerged the winner – Rhymba Hills® Reelax, Rhymba Hills® Reevitalise and Rhymba Hills® Reefresh.