Essence My Shell Is My Castle Mermaid Eyeshadow Box Is Too Hard To Resist

Essence My Shell Is My Castle Mermaid Eyeshadow Box was calling out to me
Essence My Shell Is My Castle Mermaid Eyeshadow Box was calling out to

Love at first sight – that’s how I felt when I spotted Essence My Shell Is My Castle Mermaid Eyeshadow Box, the other eyeshadow boxes are To The Moon And Back, In Love With Rose and Million Nude Faces, all of which contain shades I like. However the one I felt I could use all the shades was My Shell Is My Castle Mermaid Eyeshadow Box because I love the pastel pinks and purple, aqua blues and gold.

These shades are perfect for the mermaid makeup look
These shades are perfect for the mermaid makeup look
Shades on left of box
Shades on left of box
Shades on left of box
Shades on centre of box
Shades on right of box
Shades on right of box

They are a combination of shimmering and matte shades (I dislike applying matte shades) and have pretty decent colour pay-off although some shades can be a little powdery, best to use these with an eyeshadow primer. I haven’t used all the shades yet as I am still admiring the pristine state of the eyeshadows.

At RM22.55, I can see these selling fast. Every time I go back to the Watsons outlet I bought this from, there are fewer of them.