Plantur 39 Phyto-Caffeine Hair Care Series : Prevention Of Hair Loss For Menopausal Women

Plantur 39 Phyto-Caffeine Hair Care Series Launch
Plantur 39 Phyto-Caffeine Hair Care Series Launch

As women age, one of the problems faced is hair loss caused by the drastic decrease of ‘hair-friendly’ estrogens in the hair roots. This condition is known as menopausal hair or androgenic alopecia. After the age of 40, women’s hair becomes thinner as hair falls out prematurely due to hormone imbalance during and after menopause. While estrogens decrease, testosterones take over the place of estrogens in the hair roots.

German cosmeceutical company, Dr Wolff has spent years researching and developing a hair care series for menopausal women which addresses the hair loss problem and this series is called Plantur 39 (has been available in Europe for 13 years). It has just been launched here, available exclusively at selected Watsons outlets nationwide.

Head of Dr Wolff R & D, Dr. Klenk was at the official launch of Plantur 39 held at A Cut Above Academy yesterday. Dr Wolff has effectively harnessed the stimulating compounds found in caffeine to be transported to the hair roots to help reduce hair loss. Dr Ruban Nathan, Dermatologist for Hair Restoration, Director of Dr Ruban’s Skin & Hair Clinic was also present at the launch. According to Dr Ruban, “Amongst all the available shampoo claims, the only credible claim with scientific backing is that the caffeine-based shampoos have some benefit in pattern hair loss.”

The interesting thing about Plantur 39 shampoo is that it is recommended to be left on hair for 2 minutes for the active compounds to penetrate into hair follicles. It’s also recommended to be used daily or if you do not shampoo daily, use Plantur 39 Phyto-Caffeine Tonic on areas where hair loss if evident, massaging with the thumb as the tonic is applied. Caffeine counteracts testosterone in the hair roots and improves energy supply to hair roots thus enhancing growth of hair.

Head of Dr Wolff R & D, Dr. Klenk
Head of Dr Wolff R & D, Dr. Klenk
Dr Ruban Nathan, Dermatologist for Hair Restoration, Director of Dr Ruban's Skin & Hair Clinic
Dr Ruban Nathan, Dermatologist for Hair Restoration, Director of Dr Ruban’s Skin & Hair Clinic

Plantur 39 hair care range includes the following:-

Plantur 39 Phyto-Caffeine Shampoo for fine/brittle hair RM49.90

Plantur 39 Phyto-Caffeine Shampoo for coloured/stressed hair RM49.90

Plantur 39 Phyto-Caffeine Conditioner for coloured/stressed hair RM49.90

Plantur 39 Phyto-Caffeine Tonic RM55.90

Why is there a shampoo for fine/brittle hair and one for coloured/stressed hair? As women experience hair loss, their hair will become fine and brittle. As for the shampoo for coloured/stressed hair,  Dr Wolff recognises that mature women’s hair turn grey and many women will then colour their hair. The shampoo for fine/brittle hair gives hair volume while the shampoo for coloured/stressed hair gives smoothness because there are more conditioning agents therein.

Other than caffeine, other key ingredients include zinc, white tea extract and niacine. White tea improves regeneration and strengthens the scalp’s resistance.

After the presentation and launch, media had an opportunity to try out the Plantur 39 products with a hair wash by the students of A Cut Above Academy. This was the best part of the event since there’s nothing like a bit of pampering. It’s been weeks since I had my hair washed by someone else.

Plantur 39 Conditioner, Tonic, Shampoo for fine/brittle hair, Shampoo for coloured/stressed hair
Plantur 39 Conditioner, Tonic, Shampoo for fine/brittle hair, Shampoo for coloured/stressed hair

The shampoo used on my hair was the shampoo for coloured/stressed hair and it had the most pristine/clear/pure scent. It’s quite different from the shampoos I have used before. I really love this scent as it smells so organic, no caffeine scent. It’s a scent that will appeal to women but the hair care can also be used by men if they want to.

Hair wash
Hair wash
Applying Tonic
Applying Tonic
All done!
All done!

The Tonic feels slightly cooling when massaged into my scalp. It’s a very nice experience if someone else is massaging it into your scalp, feels so relaxing. The applicator on the Tonic bottle is designed so that only a bit is dispensed each time the bottle is tipped over on to the scalp.

From this one experience with the products, I am impressed as they feel like professional use products. The prices are reasonable for products that can help with hair loss. As someone fast approaching menopause, I need all the help I can get to maintain my hair and hopefully with continual use of Plantur 39, hair loss will be a long time in coming for me. Thank goodness there’re such products for women my age who are in the menopause stage!