The Social @ Publika



It was still very early when we went in to The Social at Publika, 5.30pm to be exact but we’d skipped lunch because of our buffet breakfast at Concorde (I can’t remember the last time I ate that much for breakfast but waiting 1.5 hours to get in and spending 2 hours at a sale can really make one hungry). We noticed that a few tables were already reserved. We were ushered to a reserved table, presumably the people who made the reservations would be in much later.

The Social’s  menu is quite diverse, lots of choices at reasonable prices as most of the local fare was around RM16. I was tempted by the Nyonya laksa but then the chicken tikka masala with yellow glutinous rice (RM20) tempted me more so I ordered that. My dining companions had seafood aglio oglio and pasta carbonara with smoked salmon (each at RM26).


First to arrive at our table was the seafood aglio oglio, I swiped a few strands from my friend’s plate, very nice and could taste the olive oil. I didn’t have the heart to swipe any of the seafood though they really looked tempting especially the clams.


Next to arrive was the pasta carbonara with smoked salmon. I’m not that keen on pasta dishes with smoked salmon as they generally turn out to be too salty which was the case here. With any pasta dish with smoked salmon, they’ve got to go easy on the salt for the sauce or pasta as the smoked salmon is already salty.


My chicken tikka masala was the last dish to arrive. There was a minute amount of cucumber raita, so minute that it was probably a spoonful. The chicken tikka sauce was lovely and I wish I had some bread to go with it. The chicken itself was probably from the thigh, it was kind of rubbery but not tough. I think there were too many tendons in the meat so I didn’t finish the chicken. The yellow glutinous rice was delicious and really filled me up.

I would make another visit as there’s so much food to check out. In fact, I was eyeing the next table where the lady had ordered chicken fajitas and the chicken came on a sizzling hot plate. The scent was fantastic! If I wasn’t so full, I might have gone for their desserts, most of which are RM12.