Indonesia’s Tourism & Creative Economy Minister, H.E. Sandiaga Uno Launches ‘Spice Up The World’ & Rumah Makan Nusantara

Pre-Launch of Rumah Makan Nusantara @ Sunway Putra Hotel

The Indonesian Government’s ‘Spice Up The World’ (ISUTW) campaign and Sunway Putra Hotel’s pre-launch of Rumah Makan Nusantara have been officiated by His Excellency Sandiaga Uno, Minister of Tourism & Creative Economy, the Republic of Indonesia, at the Coffee House, Sunway Putra Hotel on 17 March 2023.

ISUTW which was launched by President Jokowi in 2020 at the Dubai Expo, aims to increase the number of spice exports and dishes internationally. ISUTW is expected to increase the value of exports to as much as USD 2 billion and launch 4,000 Indonesian restaurants by 2024.

Sunway as the leading conglomerate in Malaysia has played important roles in strengthening alliances between both our economies. Collaborations include investments with Indonesian venture capital firms focused on start-ups, opening of medical offices to encourage medical tourism and seeking opportunities to purchase strategic landbanks in Indonesia.

Sunway Putra Hotel has been a keen supporter of Indonesia – whether it’s the people, the language, the arts and even the cuisine. The hotel prides itself on providing different offerings for Indonesian guests, the hotel’s menu carries certain Indonesian dishes, the coffee house plays a selection of Indonesian classics and works with Indonesian hotel schools by offering students overseas internships, just to name a few. Recently, the hotel hosted Indonesian Queen of R&B and Pop – renowned artist Raisa at her sold out concert in Kuala Lumpur. The hotel is also looking forward to hosting SamSons – the group famous for their hit “Kenangan Terindah” – for their 20th year anniversary concert in Kuala Lumpur next month.

Oseng Daging Sapi
Paru Goreng Berlado
Empal Gentong
Babt Sapi Cabe Rawit
Mangut Ikan Tilapia
Sayur Daun Singkong Bumbu Kencur
Tongseng Kambing
Ayam Bakar Taliwang
Ikan Goreng Rangup Kecap Manis
Bistik Sapi
Ayam Pop
Udang Harimau Panggang Madu
Semur Kerang Hijau
Sambal Kentang Ampela Petai
Sate Ayam Padang
Sate Sapi Madura
Lemang Pulut Hitam
Kuih Ketayap
Pandan Cream Caramel

Sunway Putra Hotel has subsequently accepted the challenge of being one of the 4,000 new Indonesian restaurants abroad as part of the ISUTW campaign. In Malaysia, Rumah Makan Nusantara is the first and only authentic Indonesian restaurant located in a hotel. The restaurant will have 150 seats available and a variety of Indonesian a la carte, and it is anticipated to be officially opened in Q3 of this year. Delights include the famed Mie Tek Tek, Nasi Goreng Kambing Ala Kebun Sireh, Sate from Madura and Padang from West Sumatra, Ketorpak and Soto Betwai from Jakarta, Tongseng frpm Central Java and many more. Guests will be transported to Indonesia without having to leave the country.