This is the very first brush cleanser I purchased some years ago. It took me a year and then some to finish with it. Then I decided to be a little adventurous and purchased Inuovi’s Cleanit Professional Brush Cleanser and Make Up Forever Professional Brush Cleanser, both of which are bottles with a spray nozzle.
The way I use these brush cleansers is by pouring/spraying them on to a tissue and stroking the brush back and forth. Actually, MAC’s Brush Cleanser worked very well as every time I used this product, the brushes would be so clean, they almost looked like new. It got all the gunk and make up products right off unlike Inuovi and Make Up Forever’s versions.
MAC Brush Cleanser does not have a spray so you have to flip open the cap and pour it on to the tissue but the opening is quite small so there is never any possibility of accidentally pouring out an excessive amount. It got my brushes clean very fast so there was never any need for cleaning a second time. With Inuovi and Make Up Forever Brush Cleansers, I can’t get my brushes 100% clean no matter how much product I use.
I always leave my brushes flat on their side to dry. I clean my brushes once a week. I will have to go back to MAC Brush Cleanser once I have finished with the Inuovi and Make Up Forever Brush Cleansers because MAC’s works the best but the price has increased since I last purchased it. It is now RM45/235ml. In terms of quantity, MAC’s has more than Inuovi (120ml) and Make Up Forever (210ml).
This post came at a good time! I’m in the midst of shopping around for a brush cleanser actually. I might give MAC a try since RM45 is quite a decent price.