Medical Opinion Asia Launch


med-opinionIt’s so distressing to be diagnosed with any kind of disease and some of the more serious kinds are brain tumour and cancer. One would most likely want to seek a second medical opinion as that could make all the difference when faced with a terrible prognosis. Those who want a medical second opinion but are unsure of who to turn to or how they can do so, can now get this done efficiently through Medical Opinion Asia (, an online service that connects patients directly with top medical specialists in a wide field of expertise.

The newly launched service currently has 50 highly respected medical experts on its panel that patients can have direct access to from the comfort of their home. Plans are being made to increase the number of specialists and Medical Opinion Asia has also forged a number of links through to centers of excellence in US, UK, Australia and Singapore. All it takes is just a few simple steps before the medical opinion is shared with patients in 72 hours or less.

Speaking to reporters during a media briefing, its managing director and co-founder Stuart J Venner Pack said that Medical Opinion Asia is a digital healthcare innovation created to address an increasing number of patients who want to have another opinion before they start any treatment especially when it involves a serious medical condition or just for better peace of mind.

“There’s total confidentiality and opinions are given quickly and efficiently without the stress, effort and time spent looking for another specialist. As long as one has Internet access and sends us the medical records / images, the service will be available to them no matter where they are in the world,” he said.

Since opening up the portal last October, there has been tremendous interest shown not just by Malaysians, but people from countries such as Philippines, Indonesia, UK and Russia.

“We are very fortunate to have with us top quality medical specialists from major private hospitals and medical centers that are well-known regionally,” he added. These experts specialize in cardiology and cardiac surgery, gamma knife radio surgery, neurology and neuro surgery, liver and pancreatic surgery, orthopedic surgery, spinal surgery, radiology and sports medicine. The number of specialties available are expected to be increased in due course.

Why A Second Medical Opinion Is Required

  1. When a diagnosis is unclear or there is uncertainty about treatment.
  2. The patient is told that they have a rare or life-threatening disease.
  3. Patient has several medical problems.
  4. The recommended treatment is risky, controversial or experimental.
  5. There us a choice of treatment or tests which vary widely in cost.
  6. Patient is not responding to treatment as expected.
  7. A loss of confidence in the medical provider.



Also present at the media briefing were Medical Opinion Asia’s co-founder Dato’ Wei Chuan Beng, a seasoned ICT expert and founder of the REDtone group of companies and its chairman, Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr Aseh bin Hj Che Mat, former Secretary General of the Ministry of Home Affairs and President of Putrajaya Corporation.

According to Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr Aseh, Medical Opinion Asia has taken a definitive step in developing a digital healthcare business that uses current and future technology, with sophisticated software to enhance its service, and to move high quality medical grade images efficiently. This innovation in healthcare delivery will transform the relationship between patient and doctor, and encourage patients to be part of the decision-making process. He added, “International statistics are pointing to a growing demand for medical second opinions and as the region’s leading global-reaching medical opinion online platform, I believe Medical Opinion Asia is well placed to meet this demand regionally and globally.”

With’s user-friendly platform, one just needs to complete a simple questionnaire and upload the necessary medical records. The system will then match you with a relevant specialist or you can pick from the panel and the opinion will be given in 72 hours or less!

Patients can also opt to have their medical records / images stored for up to a year with the portal for a minimum fee. By doing so, it becomes very convenient for patients and specialists to have quick and easy access to them when needed.