Dior Prestige Sugar Scrub : You Could Get Addicted To This


dsc_2131After cleansing your face with Dior Prestige Cleansing Balm, you’d want to exfoliate with Dior Prestige Sugar Scrub, enriched with sugar micro-crystals. This scrub gently exfoliates the skin. When massaged, its delightful texture transforms into a nourishing mask. Skin’s texture is smooth and refined.

dsc_2128dsc_2129Dior Prestige skincare will certainly appeal to every lady who loves floral scents especially roses. This scrub has fine granules and while the exfoliating sensation feels mild, skin will feel a lot smoother after this sugar scrub has worked its magic. It comes in the same tub as the Dior Prestige Cleansing Balm. A luxurious facial scrub that will no doubt appeal to many (who can afford it).

Dior Prestige Sugar Scrub retails at RM377.