A Bonne Spa Milk Salt


a bonne

Two years ago, I reviewed Yoko Yogurt Spa Milk Salt which I purchased from the Thailand Trade Show. Since then, I haven’t seen similar scrubs either here or in Bangkok although I am sure they are available in a lot of places I didn’t go to in Bangkok.

A Bonne Spa Milk Salt (pink) comes in similar packaging although this one doesn’t come in a zip-lock bag. It has an opening at the side and the texture is so similar, fine and grainy like sand. A Bonne also has Spa Yogurt Salt (blue) and White C Salt (yellow), all of which are available at Sasa outlets. I wasn’t even aware that these scrubs were available at Sasa until I browsed through their latest brochure.


I don’t believe any scrub can actually whiten skin. Smoothen yes but whitening effects? I don’t look for scrubs to whiten my skin, only to exfoliate. A Bonne Spa Milk Salt is a micronized scrub for removing dead skin cells and dirt deposits. It contains Pure Milk, Allantoin, Kaolin and Dermawhite.

The scent is a combination of floral and milk. The grains are really tiny so it doesn’t feel harsh. Massage on to damp skin and let it stay on skin for a minute or two if you have the patience. Obviously the smoothening/sofftening effect isn’t as fantastic as Collistar scrubs but generally you get what you pay for and this is just a fraction of the price of Collistar.

A Bonne Spa Milk Salt retails at RM16.90 but is currently at a promotional price of RM13.50/350g. I guess it is popular as there was only a packet each of Spa Yogurt Salt & Spa Milk Salt when I visited the Sasa outlet. I would never have guessed Sasa outlets carry these products.