Dozens And Dozens Of Tiger Balm Plaster Cool In A Month


img-20200128-wa0000Since I had that most unfortunate fall on 30th December last year, I have resorted to using Tiger Balm Plaster Cool almost every day as it helps alleviate the soreness. In the beginning, my right hand was so swollen I couldn’t even hold the lightest object without wincing. I think that Tiger Balm’s plaster is pretty good as it comes with adhesive backing unlike Mentholatum Deep Cool Patch. It helps to have adhesive backing to keep the plaster secure and also it doesn’t give such a strong menthol scent when I use backing.

First step is to apply plasters
First step is to apply plasters
Second step is to apply adhesive backing over plaster
Second step is to apply adhesive backing over plasters
Adhesive backing
Adhesive backing
Small plaster 7cm x 10cm
Small plaster 7cm x 10cm

There are 2 sizes of Tiger Balm Plaster Cool – smaller one is 7cm x 10cm while the bigger one is 10cm x 14cm. There are 2 plasters in every sachet together with 2 adhesive backing. I use them for at least 8 hours per time. It doesn’t have that cool a sensation but it does feel comforting. Sometimes it’s more tingly than other times. I actually think it works when I can feel the mild tingling. It could be a placebo effect. My wrist feels much better when the plasters are on. At the moment the cheapest price of Tiger Balm Plaster Cool (small) is at Caring where it is RM4.30.