Moroccan Beauty Workshop With Olivia Republic

Olivia Republic products from L to R - Ghassoul Clay Mask With Rose, Organic Argan Oil, Rose Serum, Moroccan Rose Water
Olivia Republic products from L to R - Ghassoul Clay Mask With Rose, Organic Argan Oil, Rose Serum, Moroccan Rose Water
Olivia Republic products from L to R – Ghassoul Clay Mask With Rose, Organic Argan Oil, Rose Serum, Moroccan Rose Water

This morning, I attended the Moroccan Beauty Experience (Workshop) With Olivia Republic. As the location was in Damansara Perdana, I made sure I went there early as I am not familiar with the area and I do so dislike getting lost any time, anywhere. Anyway, I was the first attendee to arrive and although the organisers expected 12 bloggers, only 3 of us turned up. I don’t understand people who confirm and then don’t turn up. This lack of commitment puzzles me greatly. I think that’s it’s really a bad habit (and discourtesy) to leave your hosts wondering whether you are going to turn up or not.

Although there are a number of skincare/bodycare/haircare products carried by Olivia Republic (based in Singapore),  the focus this morning was on 4 products (this is good so that it doesn’t overwhelm us during the intro to the brand). The main ingredients of the products are argan oil and rose.

The Argan Oil is from the nuts of the argan tree, which grows almost exclusively in Morocco. Many of you will be familiar with Argan Oil products as we can now find them everywhere, from premium to drugstore brands. This wonderful ingredient is in all kinds of skincare, bodycare and haircare products as it has some superb qualities/properties, being especially beneficial for those suffering from skin conditions such as dry skin, acne, psoriasis, eczema, wrinkles.

As for the rose in Olivia Republic products, it’s grown in Morocco’s Dades Valley. I know that a lot of beauty brands use Bulgarian roses in their products but I believe fewer beauty brands use roses from Morocco. Olivia Republic uses 100% Organic Natural Moroccan rose water. The women of the Dades Valley produce this rose water using the distillation method whereby the water is not separated from the rose essential oil. How do you tell if a brand’s rose water contains rose essential oil? Use it to cleanse your face of make-up and if it can cleanse, then there is essential oil. If it can’t, then it only contains water.

So let me introduce you to the four Olivia Republic products which were the focus of my Moroccan Beauty Experience:


Moroccan Rose Water 100ml/RM98
Moroccan Rose Water 100ml/RM98
The bottle comes with a spray pump and my first impression was that it reminded me of a certain famous French organic brand which has a best-selling Rose Floral Water. Olivia Republic’s Moroccan Rose Water is a multi-purpose product as it’s a cleanser, toner, primer, fixer, refresher (can be used any time of day whenever skin needs a moisture boost). The size is small enough (also light enough) to be brought anywhere. The scent of roses is light and subtle yet so au naturel. Once I sprayed it on my face, my skin felt so good as it was getting a mist of cool rose water and I wanted to spray it all over my limbs. Apparently, the rose water is so pure that you can even drink it so I sprayed some into my mouth and it didn’t taste of chemicals at all. Now this is one Olivia Republic product I really, really like. In fact, we were informed that all products featured in this post (other than the Ghassoul Clay Mask) are edible although I would hesitate at consuming these oils (I haven’t reached that level yet).

This Moroccan Rose Water mist is most suitable for those with sensitive and troubled skin as it calms and soothes skin as well as regulates skin’s PH balance. It can even be used for the hair and is good for scalp inflammations. The aroma of this rose water is a mood enhancer as it relieves one of feelings of anxiety and promotes well-being.

Ghassoul Clay Mask With Rose 200g/RM128
Ghassoul Clay Mask With Rose 200g/RM128

Ghassoul or rhassoul is a natural mineral clay mined from the Atlas Mountains of Morocco. Moroccan women have used this ingredient for centuries on their skin and hair. It contains silica, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, lithium, and trace elements so you can bet this is all good nutrition for skin and hair. Olivia Republic’s Ghassoul Clay Mask With Rose smells nothing like a clay mask thanks to the rose scent from the rose petals within. Other than the abovementioned Rose Water, this mask is my next favourite Olivia Republic product as it has brightening properties. I applied it on the back of my hand and after 15 minutes, it had hardened a little (still moist though) and when I rinsed off the mask, my skin on which the mask had been applied was brighter than the back of my other hand.

Mix into a paste with water or Olivia Republic Moroccan Rose Water
Mix into a paste with water or Olivia Republic Moroccan Rose Water
It is still moist as it hardens
It is still moist as it hardens

You can add some water or I highly recommended adding the rose water (as it smells so divine) to the clay mask. This mask is an antioxidant, exfoliator and I would even say must-have weekly mask for eliminating impurities from deep within skin! Skin gets a nice polish and rejuvenation from the mineral-rich properties.

Organic Argan Oil 15ml/RM75
Organic Argan Oil 15ml/RM75

Now we all know the benefits of argan oil on skin. body and hair. Olivia Republic’s Organic Argan Oil has a mild nutty aroma, one that is completely natural and even holistic. Compared to other beauty brands’ argan oils, I would say this one has a much milder scent. Argan oil makes skin more radiant and is a much recommended skincare for anti-aging. I would use it by adding a drop to my moisturiser. A bottle of this argan oil used daily should last around 4 months.

Rose Serum 15ml/RM90
Rose Serum 15ml/RM90

Olivia Republic Rose Serum is recommended for evening/night time use as certain enzymes within may cause skin redness if used during the day. It is high in antioxidants, essential fatty acids and vitamin-rich botanicals. This rose serum is 100 % Rosa Damascena petals macerated in pure argan oil.

According to the description of this product, where many oils and moisturisers can exacerbate skin conditions such as acne, argan oil with moroccan rose actually soothes afflicted skin and promotes healing. Acne is often the result of oily skin. Since argan rose serum oil is non-greasy, it helps to balance skin by providing natural moisture. Argan oil also contains antioxidants which help to heal damaged skin cells and reduce inflammation.

Although men and women of any age can benefit from these and other Olivia Republic products, those above the age of 37 will find these products especially nutritious for their skin and hair. Once you reach a certain age (like me! ahem!), you will tend to be more cautious of certain ingredients and products as skin is more vulnerable. Of late, I have been getting rashes off and on due to hormonal changes and as such, I am always on the look-out for products that can help alleviate my skin irritation. That’s why I am keen to use Olivia Republic Moroccan Rose Water as an alternative to the thermal spring water I have been using.

For more information on Olivia Republic and its products, please visit their website. Make an order here and enter BJUNIPER10 for a discount on the order.