UDPP Is A Potent Potion


Coming face-to-face with Urban Decay’s Eyeshadow Primer Potions for the first time was like meeting a cult classic. I’d heard so much about it beforehand but had never tried it until recently when I had UDPP in Original for the purpose of this review.

UDPP is like the Mother of all eyeshadow primers. Every time a brand comes up with their own version of UDPP, it’s inevitably compared to UDPP. Now packaged in a squeezable tube, UDPP is much more user-friendly and contains 10% more product than before.

What does UDPP promise? Well, it claims to be a magic potion that grants every makeup maven three wishes:-

(1) making eyeshadows last;

(2) truer, more vibrant colour; and

(3) absolutely NO creasing.

Since I had Too Faced Shadow Insurance to review as well, I made a comparison between the two. Which primer would score top marks? Sure, both worked equally well to prevent eyeshadows from creasing and fading all day.

Just like Too Faced’s Shadow Insurance, UDPP intensifies the colour of any eyeshadow beautifully. When I wear UDPP underneath any eyeshadows for 10+ hour days, the colour stays put, doesn’t budge at all.

Looking at the pics above, there doesn’t seem to be much difference between the effect of UDPP and Too Faced’s Shadow Insurance. I found UDPP’s texture to be slightly thicker but still it applied seamlessly and in fact, absorbed and dried a bit quicker than Shadow Insurance.

Unlike Shadow Insurance, UDPP didn’t have the separation of primer and liquid/oil problem. What came out of the UDPP tube was pure primer each and every time I used it. It’s a top class eyeshadow primer, in my opinion.

When I washed my hand with soap and water after swatching the blue eyeshadow (in the pic above), the last to come off was the eyeshadow + UDPP. I had to really scrub to get it off whereas the eyeshadow + Shadow Insurance came off almost as quickly as the eyeshadow only. I much prefer UDPP over Shadow Insurance.

UDPP is water-resistant so that explains its very long staying power. Other than Original (sheer), it comes in Eden (matte nude), Sin (champagne shimmer) and Greed (gold shimmer). Urban Decay claims that you can get 22-24 hours of eyeshadow wear without creasing or fading but I wouldn’t take that test!

UDPP (11ml/RM75) is available at Sephora outlets.

Note : UDPP in Original was provided by PR for review.