Bacteria Buster : Elken’s Biosafe(TM) Plasma Detoxifier


During my second visit to Wisma Elken, Vivian demonstrated how the Biosafe™ Plasma Detoxifier was used to detoxify some vegetables. It also detoxifies fruits within 8 minutes and sterilises bacteria in nursing bottles, pacifiers, towels, toys and personal utensils.  A net is provided with the Plasma Detoxifier for holding small items like cili padi, rice grains, beans, smaller vegetables and eggs. Leafy greens such as the ones used during the demo and fruits such as apples and oranges can be popped straight inside.


Only unfiltered tap water should be used as plasma generator requires a certain amount of dissolved ions to produce the hydroxyl radicals. The Detoxifier cannot be used for sterilising gold or silver items as they may become discolored.


The following images show the number of pesticides found in various fruits and vegetables:-

Vegetables which have been detoxified for 8 minutes appear greener, fresher and much more appetising than those that have not been detoxified.

There are 2 prices for the Biosafe™ Plasma Detoxifier, it’s RM2010 (Retail Price) & RM1698 (Distributor’s Price). For more information on this product, please contact Vivian at 012-398 9168.