Nothing But The Best For My Furkids : Barkery Oven Treats


bark oven

When it comes to my dogs, I spare no expenses as they truly are my best friends. Although I love them unconditionally, I know they love me more. It may be hell out there but it feels like heaven when I come home to my dogs as they always welcome me home as if they haven’t seen me in days even though it has been only a few hours so when it comes to their food, I am very careful as to what I give them because I want them to live as long as possible.

Commercialised treats and snacks for dogs can be purchased from pet shops and supermarkets but I often wonder about the ingredients and whether they contain potentially harmful preservatives which is why I hesitate and thick thrice about buying them off the shelf. Now thanks to Barkery Oven which produces wheat-free and nutritious treats for my furkids, they can enjoy snacks whilst giving me peace of mind.




They look good enough for humans and indeed they are because I tasted the biscotti and though it’s bland (of course no salt and sugar are added) it’s crunchy and quite delicious. I had to stop myself from depriving my furkids of their snack. Do my furkids like their treats?



I think the picture says it all, Chica is licking her lips and wanted more after the first biscuit. All dog owners can be assured that Barkery Oven makes the treats with care and love avoiding sugar, salt, colouring and preservatives. They use organic ingredients whenever possible. There’s a wide choice of biscuits, muffins and cakes. They currently have about 10 types of biscuits and 4 types of muffins. There’s an expiry date on all products with biscuits lasting 3 months and muffins 1-1.5 weeks.




My most senior dog thoroughly enjoyed all the treats featured here and often begs and waits for more. I have to cut up the dehydrated vegetables for her as they are a little hard and the poor dear has lost some of her teeth due to old age. Nevertheless, I am pleased to say there isn’t one Barkery Oven treat she doesn’t like.

All their treats are handmade so they need 3 days advance notice. Prices are reasonable given the good quality ingredients used.

Pumpkin Biscotti 100g/RM10

Chicken, Vege & Herbs Biscuit 100g/RM12

Pork, Vege & Herbs Biscuit 100g/RM15

Dehydrated Vegetables 50g/RM10

If you are celebrating your furkid’s birthday, what could be better and more appropriate than a bone-shaped cake from Barkery Oven? Dogs are only with us for a very limited number of years (I wish mine could be with me forever!) so they deserve the best from Barkery Oven. Biscuits reviewed are in 100g jars & the Dehydrated Vegetables is a 50g sachet. Online orders are for 200g jars. For more information, please visit or

All products reviewed are courtesy of Barkery Oven.