Domino’s Royale Salted Egg Pizzas Review

Domino's Royale Tuna, Chicken and Delight Pizzas
Domino’s Royale Tuna, Chicken and Delight Pizzas

Most of us love salted eggs as they taste great with anything, be it plain rice, noodles, meats and especially in seafood such as prawns and crabs. How about trying salted egg pizzas? Last night, Domino’s had a bloggers’ review of their newly launched Royale Salted Egg pizzas at their Section 13 Shah Alam outlet.

There are three varieties to choose from, the Royale Chicken Pizza, the Royale Tuna Pizza and the Royale Delight Pizza (the Delight is the vegetarian version). Although I have never been a fan of tuna (find it too fishy in taste), I ate four pieces of the tuna pizza as the salted egg and cheese overpowered any fishiness there might have been about the tuna. Moreover, I didn’t have to chew much as the pizza more or less melted in my mouth.


If you like cherry tomatoes and mushrooms, then I’d recommend the chicken pizza and of course the delight pizza if you are vegetarian or just love vegetables. They are very generous with the salted egg bits and you can really taste the salted egg in every bite.

Salted Egg Chicken Wings
Salted Egg Chicken Wings
Cheesy Bread Stix with Salted Egg
Royale Cheesy Bread Stix with Salted Egg

The Salted Egg Chicken Wings were nice but the skin was too soft and mushy while the Royale Cheesy Bread Stix with Salted Egg was too bland. The star of this limited edition offering is definitely the tuna pizza which even a non-tuna fan like me found rather delicious.