Canmake Marshmallow Finish Base

Canmake Marshmallow Finish Base M & O
Canmake Marshmallow Finish Base M & O

Another cute looking product from Canmake is their Marshmallow Finish Base which comes in 2 variations. This is a liquid foundation offering a marshmallow-soft finish. There’s one for moisture which suits dry skin (M) and one for oil-block for oily skin (O). This product was introduced as one of Canmake’s three ‘hero’ products during their recent event.

Canmake Marshmallow Finish Base M & O swatches
Canmake Marshmallow Finish Base M & O swatches

Each foundation gives a matte finish, makes pores less noticeable and smoothens uneven skin texture. There are 5 types of moistursing agents in Canmake Marshmallow Finish Base M and 2 oil blocking agents in Canmake Marshmallow Finish Base O. Each one offers high coverage. They are recommended to be used together with Canmake Marshmallow Finish Powder.