During my last My Bowen Therapy session 2 weeks ago, my therapist remarked on my very black elbows and enquired whether I had a bruise. Only then did I realise that my right elbow was much darker than my left. No, I didn’t have a bruise and it was due to years of pressure on the right elbow as I rested it on the table while watching dramas on the laptop.
Last week, during a hair wash at my regular session which has an in-house manicurist, my hairstylist informed me that customers’ skin were considerably lightened after a hand mask with the manicurist. Later when the manicurist came in, I asked her about the treatment and she said it was RM50. I thought it was worth a try, wouldn’t be that bad even if it didn’t work, not like it cost RM100.

The 45-minute session starts with cleaning the hands up to the arm and then applying a scrub. Then it was on with the creamy mask which was then wrapped with cling wrap. Can’t show photos of hand wrapped as I couldn’t touch the phone.

The mask goes on for 20 minutes during which I eavesdropped on the conversation in the hair salon – nothing else to do haha!

I find the difference quite remarkable. I intend to go for at least 2 more sessions to get better results.