Elizabeth Arden Ceramide


Now this is the one skincare product from Elizabeth Arden I have read so much about and have wanted to try for the longest time so I was hopping a little with joy when I opened the September Fabulous Finds box and found the Ceramide tub inside containing 14 Gold Ultra Restorative Capsules and 14 Gold Ultra Lift and Strengthening Eye Capsules.

What is Ceramide exactly? According to the description on Elizabeth Arden’s official website, over time our skin loses its ability to produce moisture-capturing lipids called ceramides, resulting in drier, older-looking skin. I guess what that means is as we age, our skin starts to lose resilience, fine lines develop and takes on a crepy, wrinkly appearance because of our skin’s inability to keep producing ceramides.

So the bigger capsules in the tub are for the face while the smaller capsules are the ones for the eyes. The ones for the eyes may look tiny but they contain more serum than I need for both eyes. I felt like depotting the remainder from each capsule into a container for use in the evening but I found it too troublesome to squeeze it out and so each time ended up using up all the serum.

To open the capsules, one can either twist the tops off the capsules but I just cut them off with a pair of scissors to avoid any potential spillage. Both capsules basically have the same function – they restore and replenish our skin’s natural Ceramides, keep fine lines at bay and skin looking resilient, soften and firm skin keeping it hydrated.

The first time I opened up a capsule, my initial reaction was that it was too oily. There’s a unique oily scent as well which may put some off but I think it is tolerable. I thought it was like fish oil. The serums for face and eye have more or less the same fluid texture. My skin remains oily after the serums have been absorbed and it does take a few minutes before the oiliness becomes less apparent.

Oiliness aside, it makes my face and eye area looking remarkably smooth and skin feels ultra hydrated even without having to add on moisturiser and eye cream. Sometimes I wait a while before piling on more skincare as I think it’s unnecessary to apply more products immediately after the Ceramide capsules but that’s just my personal opinion.

I haven’t found out the reason yet why the serums are in capsule form instead of contained in bottles but they sure make for nice-to-look-at skincare. I don’t find them too troublesome to use and would like to continue using them but they are pricey as this little tub is already RM116.20.