For softer and smoother skin, using a body scrub a few times a week is a must for me. Once I started using a body scrub, I always make sure there is one in the washroom all the time. Besides, it feels good to scrub my skin and I am always on the look-out for body scrubs.
Claire Organics Rose Hips Scrub comes in a glass bottle, feels quite heavy. The Rose Hips have anti-aging properties and contain Vitamin C with anti-oxidant and skin whitening agents. The scent is lovely, a subtle rose thanks to the rose hips and rose geranium oil. Rose petals are used in this scrub with French Sea Salt. The scrub granules are quite fine and I have much smoother skin every time I use this scrub.
Claire Organics Rose Hips Scrub retails at RM32. This product was one of the door gifts given during Claire Organics Da Men USJ Mall Grand Opening.