Origins Make A Difference Plus+ Rejuvenating Treatment


dscn1948Origins skincare is generally well liked as they contain a lot of botanical ingredients such as Rose of Jericho in Origins Make A Difference Plus+ Rejuvenating Treatment. Rose of Jericho is the miraculous flower which can withstand total dehydration for decades and return to life with just a drop of water. Also called the “Resurrection Plant”, it’s famed for its hygroscopic properties, which cause it to curl up when water is scarce and unfold when moist. It is known to awaken skins ability to capture and hold essential hydration, giving an instant moisture boost to dry, dehydrated skin.


I would describe Origins Make A Difference Plus+ Rejuvenating Treatment as a semi-gel because although it feels like a gel texture, it is slightly thicker than gel. I find it hydrating enough and it absorbs into my skin quickly without making my skin feel sticky.