Great Applications To Use For Mac



If you have recently bought yourself a Mac machine, it is a good idea to start looking at the applications which will make your user experience even better than it was before. There are many different applications we can use for Mac computers, and today we are taking a look at just some of the best ones for you to play with.

Microsoft project

If you are working on projects for work, Microsoft Project for Mac is a great tool to have. You’ll be able to manage different projects with your team and make sure that everyone is organised and doing their part. It will make life a lot easier for you because everything can be kept it one place ideal for using with later projects which contain many elements.

Google Chrome

As far as a browser goes, you can’t get much better than Google Chrome. If you have a google account this will allow you to sign in and manage your emails, your YouTube, maps, activities and everything else. You can even open up a google drive account and this will allow you to share and save documents on the cloud. It’s a secure and trusted browser and one which can offer you a lot.


Mac computers are amazing for anyone who wants to work in a graphics based career because the screen resolution is stunning and the colour quality cannot be matched. If you want to make the most of your Mac computer this year you need to download Photoshop. Editing photos on here will be a whole new experience and the professional quality you are able to gain from this is second to none.

Final Cut Pro

If you enjoy making and sharing videos online, this editing application is ideal for you. If you wondered what software most professional vloggers and YouTube stars use, it is Final Cut Pro. You can add and edit different music and themes to your piece, splice in special features and create something truly unique.

One Note

If you are constantly running to and from meetings and you have an Apple tablet to use, this can be the ideal application because you can take notes throughout meetings and then load them up to your computer and make sense of them afterwards. It will make every meeting more productive and this is a great choice for anyone.


If you enjoy gaming and you want a computer which will provide you with some amazing graphics, mac is the ideal choice. We have already spoken about how great the image quality is on Mac, and by downloading steam onto your computer you will be able to enjoy the ideal balance of colour and usability for your gaming needs. It is stunning and it is ideal for anyone to use. Steam also has many free games for you to use as well as an online community so it can be a great place for you to enhance your gaming experience and have some real fun with it all.

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