1-Day Acuvue Define Accent Style


DSCN9875(2)Normally, I don’t seek out cosmetic contact lens because I am concerned about their safety but with a very established brand like Acuvue, I know I can use their cosmetic lens safely. These lens use BEAUTY WRAPPED IN COMFORT™ (BWIC™) Technology where colourants are set between two thin, transparent layers of lens material so that no pigments come into contact with the eye.

before define

after define

1-Day Acuvue Define Accent Style has a black limbal ring for naturally distinctive eyes. Indeed, they make my iris look bigger and they are so comfortable as my eyes never felt dry despite wearing them from morning till night.

Find out more about 1-DAY ACUVUE®DEFINE® with LACREON® Technology from ACUVUE® Authorised Practitioners, or log on to www.acuvue.com.my.