Vitagen Healthy Digestion Programme In Conjunction With World Digestive Health Day 2017


dscn95011For the ninth consecutive year, VITAGEN Healthy Digestion Programme (VHDP) will once again commemorate World Digestive Health Day (WDHD) in a bid to raise awareness of digestive health among Malaysians. The inaugural road show in conjunction with the launch of WDHD 2017 will be held at Lower Ground, Centre Court, One Utama Shopping Centre from May 17-21, 2017.

VITAGEN’s Continuous Support
VHDP has been relentlessly promoting the importance of good digestive health since 2008. With the collaboration of expert bodies such as Digestive Health Malaysia Society (DHM), Nutrition Month Malaysia (NMM) programme, the Positive Parenting (PP) programme, and the National Cancer Council (MAKNA), VHDP provides expert information and free health checks to raise the public’s awareness level on digestive health and prevention measures.

VITAGEN, as the market leader for the past 40 years, continues to champion and promote digestive care via public outreach campaign and school programmes. Furthermore with the greater concern of improving overall wellbeing through immunity, mental clarity and mood, VITAGEN has been supporting and working closely with Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM) in an in-depth research on the correlation of good bacteria and the improvement of health wellbeing.

Maintaining good digestive health
As part of educating the public on digestive health, a tool called the Digestive Health Assessment Tool (DHAT) will be promoted. It is an easy-to-use online tool that will allow the public to make a quick assessment of their digestive health. Should the necessity arise, they can visit the nearest clinic or hospital to seek appropriate treatment.

Anther highlight is a specially-prepared motion graphic showreel on colon cancer. It highlights the simplicity and ease of the entire screening process, namely Faecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) and colonoscopy, in order to encourage the public to go for regular screening. The stool test kit will be given to the visitors upon signing up for Digestive Health Malaysia membership. The test kit is used to check presence of blood in the stool sample.



The five-day event will feature a wide array of activities for the whole family as there are other booths available that offer free health screenings, expert consultation, fitness demonstration, interactive digestive health games, and colouring contest.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can improve your digestive health, then be sure to mark your calendar and get your whole family to experience WDHD 2017 at One Utama!