Make Your Lips Smile With Burt’s Bees Lip Crayons



Lip crayons are a good alternative to lipsticks as I generally find them more hydrating than some lipsticks and they are creamy so they glide on lips without showing up fine lines. Burt’s Bees Lip Crayons offer full coverage and as they are infused with Shea Butter, Kendi Oil and Jojoba Oil, you can be sure your lips are well protected. There’re no added flavors or fragrances and wearing them will make your lips smile all day.

bb set1

bb set 2

I have 2 sets of 2 Burt’s Bees Lip Crayons to give away to 2 winners (each set is worth RM163) so if you’d like to participate, please comment on the following:-

1. What makes your lips smile?

The answer doesn’t have to be Burt’s Bees Lip Crayons. I’ll tell you what makes my lips smile – seeing my dogs when I come home, they’ll wag their tails non-stop, jump around excitedly and run towards the car. Their warm greeting is the best thing ever and something that I look forward to everyday.

2. I’d like to have Set 1/Set 2 (choose either set).

Terms and conditions of this Giveaway:-

1. Giveaway exclusively for those who have ‘liked’ Juniper’s Journal’s Facebook page & with Malaysian addresses only.

2. Giveaway ends Saturday 20th  June 2015.                     .

3. Winners will be contacted via email once result is announced in this same post. Please respond within twenty four (24) hours otherwise another winner will be selected.

Updated 21st June 2015

Winners of this Giveaway:-





  1. Thank you for the marvelous giveaway =) . You just love to spoil us readers with so many giveaways.
    I would love to have set 1 if i do win this giveaway.

    1. What makes my lips smile?

    I think there are many reasons for me to be happy.
    Able to wakeup in the morning,
    listening to the birds chirping,
    a healthy body,
    my makeup loos good,
    able to taste mum’s cooking,
    feeling satisfaction even with small achievement,
    and making a difference in someone’s life.

    I also smile
    when family members are healthy,
    receiving some nice gesture unexpectedly,
    no quarrel or anger,
    reading a good book,
    and go to sleep feeling that I have a fulfilling day.

  2. Dear Juniper
    1) There are many things in this world that make my lips smile.
    But the first and foremost thing is when I see the cheeky sneaky happy look on my daughter’s face when she has done something naughty and the fake angry look on my hubby’s face in reaction to that.

    2) I would prefer set 2.


  3. Ooh, another giveaway from JJ… Muaks ( with Hawaiian Smolder on my lips XD )
    1) I smile this morning when my 1+ old’s diarrhea with blood finally stopped after 3 days of sitting on the toilet. I smiled when she asks me to pray with her when her tummy pain was too much. I smiled when she can finally had a good night’s sleep without waking every hour to go to the loo. I smiled the whole day today.

    2) I would like to have Set 1

    Thank you for the opportunity to try this new lip crayons, FOC.

  4. 1. I smile because I appreciate that this is another new day with new challenges, waking up to have a cuppa of my favourite coffee or tea makes me feel energetic to attend my work schedule. After working for whole day, I like to indulge myself in musics or entertainment show which can make me laughing out loud.

    2. I would like to have Set 2 consists of Redwood Forest and Carolina Coast.

  5. 1. My lips keeps smiling everytime i thought about my two lovely niece, nylea and adreana. Both are my sweet Angel. Always cherish me when I’m with them or far fron them. Miss them so much. Waiting for raya holidyas to meet them again, and now, i can’t stop smiling thinking about it.

    2. I wish for set no. 1.

    Many thanks for this giveaway. 🙂

  6. Overhearing little kids talk – they can truly say the darndest things!
    A good haircut. Which reminds me how I’m looking forward to one at the end of the month.
    Set 1.
    Good luck everybody!

  7. Hi Juniper,

    Thank you for your awesome gifts.

    What makes my lips smile?
    –> The first thing will makes my lips smile definitely is the smell of brewing coffee instantly wakes up my senses, and the morning light kick-starts my brain into wake up mode. How’s nice everyday waking up to the smell of breakfast. That’s the great thing I like to do in the morning is make my coffee. ^___^

    I wish for set no. 1. Absolutely you will makes my lips smile if i could win this. Hahahah

  8. Dear Juniper,

    My baby wakes up smiling with me every day. Even when I’m tired but when seeing his loud and smiles with me will definitely make me forget my tired. Thank you God for giving us a joyful, peaceful and very happy baby. It really makes a difference and also makes my lips smile in the morning. We are truly blessed to have him in our lives.

    (another things) I love finding cash in my pocket when I need it. It’s a great feeling, i think everyone will have this kind of experience too.

    Also, thanks to your lovely gifts could make everyone happy and SMILE 🙂 I prefer for set no. 2

  9. Hi Juniper,

    Silly jokes told by my friends and my family make me smile. I love to mingle around my favorite people and listen to them. I am not good in expressing my feeling but I am definitely a good listener. Listening to them, no matter good or bad, it is good that someone is willing to talk about their own stuffs to you. Simple funny incidents they told me can make me not only smiling, but laughing. 🙂

    Thanks Juniper for making me smile by holding this giveaway! 🙂

    Set 2 please~~ 🙂

  10. Hi juniper ! What makes my lips smile right now is definitely good food to break the fast with.Besides that,I love kids/babies and they make my lips smile too 🙂
    In addition to that.if my parents are happy,that would most definitely make me happy and smile of course 😀 If i win I would like to win set 2 <3

    Lastly.thank u for the lovely giveaway 😉

  11. What makes my lips smile? That pretty easy! I smile everyday for being able to appreciate all the wonders in life, may it be
    -the family and friends who love me wholeheartedly and unconditionally;
    -wonderful and awesome people that I meet everyday;
    -good food that warm my stomach up;
    -and or course, my dreams and passions that keep me driven everyday!

    I smile for being able to live a meaningful and significant life woohoo! Life is good, so am I! 🙂

  12. 1. What makes your lips smile?

    What makes me smile is when my grandmama sees me and calls my name..she can no longer speak after the stroke so sometimes when she smiles when she sees me, it is impossible for me not to smile back. Regardless of what she is going through, she always smiles. And for her to say our names, it is the greatest feeling.

    Putting makeup and clothing aside, a smile is the prettiest thing you can wear 🙂

    2. I’d like to have Set 1if I am fortunate to be picked

  13. What makes my lips smile..seeing my wife happy. Yes at times we feel like killing each other (sshhh don’t tell her I told u) but I smile whenever I see her happy and then keep away my imaginary machine gun (jjk! Plz don’t think I’m crazy, joke only. Sometimes my wife also bazooka me). Also, another thing that honestly makes me smile is when my dogs poo poo and pee pee at the right place haha. As an owner of 9 dogs, smile turns upside down when I have to clean up after so many. My cat however is potty trained but so lansi -.- aduhai! OMG am I allowed to say lansi, sorry ya and just did it again..the cat is really banyak action. But I smile when on and off the fella manja.

    “Let your smile change the world, don’t let the world change your smile :)”

    I think my wife would prefer set 2 if lucky enough to win!

    Thank you Juniper’s Journal!