Celmonze Anti-Cellulite Body Oil


Cellulite affects women of all ages, even those in their 20s. It’s the appearance of dimpled, lumpy skin caused by underlying fatty deposits, most common on buttocks and thighs. Celmonze’s Anti-Cellulite Body Oil works to eliminate cellulite by stimulating blood circulation, vital detoxification and ridding water retention.

I have examined my tush and believe I have stretch marks rather than cellulite. Nevertheless, I have been using this product for more than 2 months after my shower. The oil smells like olive oil and has a very silky feel. I was hoping it would help reduce water retention and breakdown fat but it hasn’t. I see no noticeable difference in the appearance of my body parts that need less water retention and fatty deposits. The only thing this product has been good for is moisturize my skin.

Celmonze Anti-Cellulite Body Oil is 150ml/RM268.

Celmonze Anti-Cellulite Body Oil was provided to bloggers who attended the Phenomenal Woman” : A Total Wellness 3-Step Body Contour System launch.