Mamonde Pure White Ultra Active Emulsion


dsc_1571If there’s one thing I have realised, Koreans, Taiwanese and Japanese love using emulsions. There are beauty brands with a wide variety of emulsions for every type of skin concern. If you want a light moisturiser, then you’d be recommended an emulsion which can be just as hydrating as a cream. If you have oily skin, an emulsion would probably suit you better than a cream. I have been trying out Mamonde Pure White Ultra Active Emulsion which contains Niacinamide and Chinese magnolia flower extract. Magnolia seems to be a popular ingredient for Asian skincare brands as NARUKO has a range called Magnolia Daily Skin Care.


Mamonde Pure White Ultra Active Emulsion is as can be expected, very light and just as hydrating as the Cream version. I think it is just a matter of preference as to which texture the user prefers.