RMK Summer Skincare Kit 2013



My current obsession is with skincare kits. Good value since you get to try a variety of a brand’s products without having to incur too much cost. Why settle for just 1 full size product when for less than what you’d have to pay for the full size product, you can get a range of deluxe sized products to try? So I am always on the look-out for skincare kits which are not only good for travelling but finish up fast so I can move on to other products. It’s a win-win situation!

Last weekend, I purchased RMK’s Summer Skincare Kit 2013 which thankfully is very new as it was manufactured in May ’13. Given a choice between RMK make-up and skincare, I’d choose their skincare any day. Don’t get me wrong. I do think their make-up is very good but I am more interested in their skincare as I love the scents and what they offer in their skincare.


In the RMK Summer Skincare Kit 2013 are:-

  • 30ml Cleansing Oil
  • 35g Cream Soap
  • 30ml Skintuner Smoother Moist
  • 35ml Herb Mist Peppermint

The Peppermint Mist is apparently exclusive to the set as it’s not available in full size. They only have the Jasmine and Rose Mists available at the counter for testing. Although this set which retails at RM88 isn’t as good value as the Biotherm set (what else can beat that?), it’s sold at ¥2.500 so when you convert, that’s about RM80. Kanebo Malaysia has to make a profit so an additional RM8 isn’t too bad.