MAC Spring/Summer 2014 Trends : Light FX & The New Eye-Deal


No matter what the trend is, MAC trends have always made an impression on me as being very natural and enhances the beauty of skin without looking as if the models have much make-up on. They look effortless but I am sure a lot of work went into achieving those looks.

These are the other 2 MAC Spring/Summer 2014 Trends.

Light FX


Expanding on the moonlit glow that held strong beauty currency for AW13, the new approach to light-reflecting makeup injects an optimistic life force into whites and lights. Contouring is kept soft and subtle. Soft peach blush is used instead of bronzer.

The emphasis is on light-reflecting, mother-of-pearl complexions. White is the key colour this season. Complexions take on an opalescent clarity.

The New Eye-Deal


Artists have zoned in on a honed brow for a few seasons now so it’s a pace-changer that this masculine angularity has been dropped and the detail has shifted back to the more feminine aspect of the eye.