Estee Lauder Companies Staff Sale 2014



By now, I hope all of you who received the Estee Lauder Companies Staff Sale tickets from Juniper’s Journal have gone for the beauty shopping spree of the year and found what they wanted. I arrived shortly after 6am since this year I was fortunate enough to be given VIP tickets so I knew I didn’t have to be there as early as previous years.

After queuing up for more than half an hour this morning, I was approached by reader Devika and we had a lovely chat. I was looking out for familiar faces in the queue but it is difficult to spot those I know as there were so many people all sitting down. Devika informed me that those right in front of her queue arrived at midnight and I find that remarkable as those at the front are arriving earlier and earlier.


I entered the ballroom just before 7am and the first brand I saw was Bobbi Brown. Since I was among the 1st batch in, there were many sets to be had ranging from eye palettes to shimmerbricks with the blending brush. There seemed to be more Bobbi Brown makeup this year than previous years.

Of course when it comes to makeup, MAC has the largest variety. I was fortunate to get 2 Archie’s Girls Collection pigments in the shades I wanted for RM30. I couldn’t believe my eyes, that is great value since pigments last a long, long time. I never finish any that I have.

My haul is very modest by comparison to the majority of fellow shoppers.


How was your shopping experience? I hope you will share what you bought as I am a busybody and nothing would please me more than to know what you all bought and was it a pleasant experience for you all today or was the crowd to much to handle? I was out of there by 8am. I get rather panicky when I am among a large crowd. I was standing quietly in a corner near a potted plant when a lady just plonked herself next to me and started to sort out her haul, that was the cue for my exit. As I left the room, the queue had only gotten longer!


  1. Nice haul! Love your haul. Gosh, my little brother said women are really scary when it comes to beauty products and looking at the queue scares him a lot.

  2. Also arrived a bit after 6 a.m. Line wasn’t too long – probably a couple hundred people before me (give or take). Also heard that the first people in line got a room at the hotel or something like that and had been there since past midnight (or 10 p.m. the night before, depending on who you ask).

    Didn’t go too crazy since the things I want or actually use (ANR or Double Wear foundation) were already sold out (presumably sapu-ed by people in the VIP line) by the time they let the cattle in 😛 Bought the DKNY Drop of Verbena gift set and Clinique Repairwear Laser (?).

    Thanks again for the passes 🙂

  3. I arrive at about 6.30. By the time the queue is almost at the end of the third row. I managed to get a DKNY perfume set, Tommy perfume, bobbi brown set and also the estee lauder set. Didn’t really managed to find a lot of things that i really wanted to buy, like synical posted probably taken by those who went in earlier than us. But it was a good experience nonetheless 🙂

    Thanks again juniper for those passes.

  4. firstly, i want to thank you again for the passes. i actually woke up later than i planned but it worked out fine because arriving at close to 8am meant the line loved really fast

    made a bee line for mac, bobbi brown and EL so bought some sets there. perfume sales were mostly finished by the time i got roundnto those tables.

    once again, am so so grateful to have had the chance to go. too bad i did not manage to keet you 🙂

    • Hello! I would have loved to meet all of you who received the tickets but by 8am, the room was too crowded for my comfort. I am glad you got quite a good haul though.